
Is Credit King or Cash King?

Leahcim and KB Episode 56

Money and credit are both great tools.  In this Entrepreneurhood episode, our boy KB will bounce insights with me on the importance of cash and credit and how they can be great weapons you can sharpen for your success.

Join us in this short podcast as we explore the philosophy of not settling for "good enough" but striving for excellence year after year. Don’t go to the bank and leave with measly amounts for your business. Tap the expertise of credit consultants to get the funding you need along with portfolio and credit growth.

If not, listen to this episode to weigh your options. Shift your mindset and embrace the mantra: Don't be good, be great. Start your journey toward continuous improvement today!

Connect with Leahcim and KB on the Entrepreneurhood Instagram or on their personal pages:


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Connect with Leahcim and KB on the Entrepreneurhood Instagram or on their personal pages.